The SVP Universal Cosmology
A Rosetta Stone for the New Science Paradigm
Version 1.0
Etheric Vibratory Rotation
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photo is perhaps one of the most important of all of Keely's machines.
On it we can see oil splatter on the wall indicating the machine
rotated and at relatively high velocity.
A = ATH = IA[3+] +
IA[4±] + IA[3-] (Harmonic Current) |
Where..., Currents Hc = Harmonic current = 3+ Ec = Enharmonic current = 3- Dc = Dominant current = 4± |
Streams Hs = Harmonic stream = 3+ Es = Enharmonic stream = 3- Ds = Dominant stream = 4± |
of Matter M = Molecular subdivision IM = Intermolecular subdivision AT = Atomic subdivision IA = Interatomic subdivision E = Etheric subdivision IE = Interetheric subdivision CIE = Compound Interetheric subdivision |
13.02 -
Anatomy of Rotation
1) Dissipation (exhaustion) is when contractive forces convert to
expansive forces and dissipate.
2) Therefore rotation must be an antagonism between two or more
contracting forces before Voiding and dissipation.
3) Therefore Keely's assertion rotation is caused by antagonism between
the harmonic current of the harmonic stream and harmonic current of the
enharmonic stream bears out.
13.04 - Atomic Subdivision
Is composed of:
1) Itself, #4.
2) The three interatomic subdivisions (1, 2 & 3) within or making
it up. Which in turn are composed of:
3) Three currents each; Harmonic, Enharmonic and Dominant.
1 + 3 + 9 = 13 mathematical components.
Compound Interetheric
(List Keely Laws that pertain to each level)
13.07 - Keely’s Original Dynaspheric Neutral Center Concept
"In the conception of any machine heretofore constructed, the
medium for inducing a neutral centre has never be found. If it had, the
difficulties of perpetual motion seekers would have ended, and this
problem would have become an established and operating fact. It would
only require an introductory impulse of a few pounds, on such a device,
to cause it to run for centuries. In the conception of my vibratory
engine, I did not seek to attain perpetual motion; but a circuit is
formed that actually has a neutral centre, which is in a condition to
be vivified by my vibratory ether, and while under operation, by said
substance, is really a machine that is virtually independent of the
mass (or globe), and it is the wonderful velocity of the vibratory
circuit which makes it so. Still, with all its perfection, it requires
to be fed with the vibratory ether to make it an independent motor. . .
." [Keely, Keely
and His Discoveries, Chapter 8, Part 2, "More Science"]
13.08 - Atlin’s Neutral Center Structure & Dynamics
(GAIA) “Dear seekers, these three forces (electricity, gravity
and Mind) are quite connected, as are many things, inextricably. Let us
frame the answer around the workings of your Musical Sphere. The forces
described above are interwoven so that the staging of conditions to
focalize etheric density, combined with karmic forces, Love and Gaiac
Forces, conspire (breathe together) to form a Neutral Center or point
of Etheric Implosion that evacuates molecular components, creating a
situation of extreme potential power. The potential power is realized
by natural evolution as dictated by the lines of travel and
intersection of the forces called upon by the inherent construct.
Let us talk about the nature of that construct. We have lines
of transit of the forces going in and out that create acceleration of
etheric dynamics. Included in the list are: nodal frequency
acceleration of the time/space dimensional fabric of the Universe
shifting toward the key range that supports Harmony. The Harmony
referred to includes advancement toward enlightened coexistence with
all Forces and Beings also supporting Harmony. Each contribution
attracts and cohesively combines with kindred manifestations of Light
in variant forms. This is the basis of "karma", gravity and evolution
toward the One. Each of these represents a "rib" or line of force
curved to circumscribe a torroid. Thus, each complies with and creates
the natural and most efficient means of moving its evolution toward the
One. The One is not a state of rest or quietude, but quite the
opposite: a state of dynamic movement and orchestration. When a force
field or its matrix is established in a form that naturally creates
harmonics that also conform to the same configuration, even if offset
in time or space, then this dynamic is created. If enough force is
focalized, the fields or matrices created will be quite strong and
create a stabilizing influence in surrounding conditions. This is true
of thought patterns, consciousness evolution, etheric communication,
etheric work, and gravity.” [Message through Dawn Stranges]
13.09 - Rotation Quotes from Snell Manuscript
Rotation arises from the harmonic interaction of the dominant
and enharmonic modes of vibration, which are in the ratio of 3:9.
"Power of rotation comes on the positive and power of negation,
arising when the receptive flows become independent of the circular
chord of resonation (set up mechanically or otherwise) breaks up the
rotational power. Rotation is caused by the receptive concussion of the
positive and negative forces as they come together at the neutral
center and as each seeks its "coincident" by harmonic waves, flows or
Every body capable of rotation is susceptible to the operation
of force, which, applied, impels motion. Receptive transmittive
concordance induces rotation. This simply means - the reception of
streams of energy by the neutral center, and the transforming of them
into radiant outflowing streams of energy causes rotation of the
molecule or mass. All the magnets in the world, no matter how
differentiated cannot induce rotation, but polar negative attraction
induces rotation. The earth's rotation is caused and kept in
continuance by the action of the positive and negative sympathetic
celestial streams, that is, by the inflowing celestial from the sun and
the outflowing radiant celestial dispersing this same energy to all
planetary masses in space.
"Polar and depolar differentiation result in motion. The
compound interetheric or seventh subdivision is the Soul of Matter,
from which all forms of matter receive their introductory impulse."
The neutral center represents only focalization and distribution
of the streams of energy. It is not associated with magnetism. When the
radiant elements generated by the focalizing chord are submitted to
compound vibration of their mass thirds, those radiant elements become
magnetic and rotation ceases. Rotation is induced by submitting the
mass to three different orders of vibration simultaneously, giving the
majority to the harmonic third.
When we rotate a mass with sufficient rapidity, the particles of
that mass ultimately overcome cohesion by dispersing as fragments at a
tangent but should we cause rotation of the ether, this would produce
condensation, which is opposite in effect. This condensation effect
increases with the velocity of rotation of the ether. This is the
direct cause of formation of molecules as well as planetary masses.
To control rotational force or produce commercialized energy, we
must control through its properties the "negative attractive" or
"enharmonic" current. This will solve the problem up to any limit of
At the same time Keely was completing his third system, he was
also completing an experimental sphere in which he intended to test the
combination of the positive and negative rotation. This experiment was
at least entirely successful which showed the explanation of rotation
given above, to be correct. The sphere even rotated with physical
vibrations from the positive and negative interchange of positive and
negative waves - not streams in this case. He had a desperate struggle
in seeking to learn these laws of polarization and depolarization. It
was necessary for him to understand these laws before he could
unfailingly secure rotation and control the reversions which so often
had made wrecks of his machines. [Snell Manuscript]
Sphere Rotated by Vibrations
notes added 8/3/06, 8/9/06
"The great difficulty in constructing a sphere that will
revolve when vibrations are applied, is in equating its interior
volume, which is altered on insertion of the shaft and accessories,
with the chord of mass of the shell itself. The differentiation induced
in the interior volume must be equated so as to harmonize with the
sphere mass chord. Concordance is established between both through
certain conditions of differentiation and in accordance with the laws
of harmony."
"If the mass chord of the sphere is B flat, and the internal
parts when introduced displace the internal volume 1/20th, this 1/20th
represents an antagonistic 1/20th against the concordance of the sphere
mass and the internal parts must be so graduated as to get at the same
chord an octave or more nearest approaching the concordance of the
internal volume. No intermediates [music intervals] between octaves
would ever reach sympathetic union."
"For example, we have a spun [hydro-formed] shell of 12 inches
internal diameter and 1/32 inches thick [wall], having an internal
volume of 904.77 cubic inches. The resonation of the internal volume is
found to be B flat and the mass chord B natural. This, or any other
antagonistic chord between the sphere mass chord and the volume
resonance, will not interfere, as it will come under subservience."
"A steel [bronze] shaft 1/2 [5/8] inch in diameter is now
passed through the center of the shell, displacing a portion of the
volume. The volume resonance is now found to be altered so as to be
antagonistic to the mass chord. To correct this condition the shaft
must be turned or filed until the volume resonance reaches the next
lower B flat chord. In so doing we neutralize the first line of
interference and the parts are left in the same pure sympathy as at
"We now introduce a ring [Inner Ring/Drum of Resonation] of
the diameter [8 inches OD] of the sphere, fastened by arms
[disks/plates] to the axis and attach seven adjustable tube resonators,
each measuring 3 inches by 3/4 inches. Each tube is then set on the
chord of B flat by adjusting its diaphragm. [Seven B flat resonators]
This arrangement compensates for the total displacement of the ring
[Inner Ring/Drum of Resonation], tubes and arms, it not being necessary
to alter the volume on account of this second operation. This completes
the second equation of resonation and displacement."
"One end hemisphere is now painted [appropriately
treated/textured] black and the other white, and a rubber atomizer bulb
placed over the end of the shaft next to the dark hemisphere, to
prevent equation of vibrational energy [depolarize] by molecular
bombardment when the antagonistic vibrations are transmitted."
"All hollow spheres of certain diameters are resonant to the
enharmonic [minor third?] and diatonic [major?] thirds of any and all
concordant sounds [= a fifth?]. Nature, working with her perfect form,
the sphere, gives this effect, but not so with tubes. The shortest way
to pure resonance between any number of resonating mediums is through
use of the sphere."
"Only two vibratory conditions can be so associated as to
excite sympathetic affinity* [attraction] between two physical
organisms - the etheric chord of B flat, third octave - and on etheric
sympathetic transmission the chord of E flat, with 3rd dominant, 6th
enharmonic and 9th diatonic, with octave enharmonic."
"The chord of resonance of the sphere was the sympathetic
etheric chord of E flat, 3rd octave, and is highly sensitive to
concordance, against the neutral sevenths of the mass chord, whether
that concordance be physical or mechanical or the two combined. When
the chord of resonance is harmonized with the mass chord, the highest
degree of susceptiveness is manifested to negative antagonism.
Antagonistic chords actually move and accelerate the sphere,
demonstrating the perfection of Nature's laws governing the sympathetic
The dark hemisphere, which represents 50% of the full internal
area of pure concordant harmony, receives the negative Thirds, Sixths
and Ninths, the bombardment of which disturbs the equilibrium of the
sphere and induces rotation. The speed of rotation is directly in
proportion to, and controlled by, the relative volume of the negative
antagonistic chords. Even with no wire transmission of vibrations, an
ordinary mouth organ, which is constructed tuned to thirds, will cause
the sphere to slowly rotate.
The sympathetic flow is directed to the center by the seven [B
flat] resonators and is redistributed during rotation to keep intact
the sympathetic volume and thus prevents equation of forces
[depolarization], which would stop rotation. The discordant thirds are
also concentrated by the dark hemisphere on the neutral center, and the
interference at the neutral center of the concordants focalized by the
white hemisphere and the tubes, and the discordants of the dark
hemisphere, cause the inherent property of disturbance of equilibrium
in the neutral center to assert itself, causing rotation. This is
simply the effort put forth by the neutral center, controlled by the
dominant principle, causing redistribution of the chord of resonance
and avoidance of the interference nodes.
When receiving concordant sounds the sphere is entirely
quiescent, but when discordance is set up within its volume it rejects
this repulsive state or condition by rotation.
Under date of 5/20/1885 he writes of an experiment in which he
attached a safety arrangement to his Liberator, and also his strongest
resonator, and "within two minutes the shell (probably the musical
sphere) attained a rotation of 1500 times per minute. I then retracted
to the negative and brought it down to 150 revolutions per minute, when
two of my safety shells and a vibratory indicator blew up, causing
Keely never claimed or considered this invention as a source of
power. It was constructed simply to prove his theory regarding
receptiveness of the neutral center, and through it he came into a
fuller understanding of the cause of the earth's rotation, which he
concluded arise from the conflict between the positive and negative
sympathetic streams, or solar tensions against terrestrial
condensations. " [Keely, Snell Manuscript]
13.10 - Rotation Quotes from 'Keely and His Discoveries'
Question asked in Clerk Maxwell's memoirs: "Under what form,
right, or light, can an atom be imagined?" Keely replies, "It eludes
the grasp of the imagination, for it is the introductory step to a
conception of the eternity of the duration of matter. The magnitude of
the molecule, as compared to the inter-atom, is about on the same ratio
as a billiard ball to a grain of sand; the billiard ball being the
domain wherein the triple inter-molecules rotate, the inter-molecules
again being the field wherein the atomic triplets sympathetically act,
and again progressively, in the inter-atomic field, the first order of
the etheric triplets begins to show its sympathetic inreach for the
centres of neutral focalization. It is impossible for the imagination
to grasp such a position. Inter-atomic subdivision comes under the
order of the fifth dimensional space in etheric condensation. Atoms and
corpuscules can be represented by degrees of progressive tenuity, as
according to progressive subdivision, but to imagine the ultimate
position of the atomic alone would be like trying to take a measurement
of immeasurable space. We often speak of the borders of infinite. No
matter what the outreach may be, nor how minute the corpuscular
subdivision, we still remain on the borders, looking over the far
beyond, as one on the shore of a boundless ocean who seeks to cross it
with his gaze. Therefore, philosophically speaking, as the atom belongs
to the infinite and the imagination to the finite, it can never be
comprehended in any form or light, nor by any right; for in the range
of the imagination it is as a bridge of mist which can never be crossed
by any condition that is associated with a visible molecular mass, that
is, by mind as associated with crude matter." (Keely and His
13.11 - Triple Currents and Streams
Harmonic Current: magnetic, attractive, negative
current. The Male, Centropic, Contractive or Concentrative portion of
the triune streams; Harmonic, Enharmonic and Dominant.
Harmonic Stream: The Male, Centropic, Contractive
or Concentrative force in Nature.
Enharmonic Stream: high neutral. The Female,
Entropic, Expansive or Dissipative force in Nature.
Dominant: electricity luminous, positive propulsive.
Triple: Harmonic, enharmonic and dominant form
FIRST triple. In forming SECOND triple level there are NINE currents in
the second tier. Adding the two levels together there are 3+9=12 levels
altogether; 13 if counting the BASE level.
See Part 14 for expanded conversation about Keely's Triplet of Energy.
13.12 -
Compound Equilibrium
(see card id 76068 of Drawing Stack)
Balance can be destabilized by:
1) Adding weight* to either side.
2) Subtracting weight from either side.
3) Moving fulcrum to either side.
*weight may be also density, temperature, pressure, etc.
A) Principle of Regeneration: Less dense radiates to more dense which absorbs radiation, reverses its polarity and reradiates.
B) Principle of Reciprocity: as - decreases + increases simultaneously and vice versa.
C) Principle of Proportion: increases and decreases are in inverse or direct proportion to rate of change (delta).
Radiation from Plane of Equilibrium -00+
(a) Radiation from 0+ to -1
(b) -1 absorbs then 1+ reradiates to -2
(c) -2 absorbs then 2+ reradiates to -3
(d) -3 absorbs then 3+ reradiates to -4
(e) -4 absorbs then 4+ to reradiate to void at -0
Degree of Concord/Discord Dictates
When harmonic a larger volume -00+ condenses to smaller volume -11+, etc.
When inharmonic a smaller volume -44+ expands to larger volume -00+, etc.
Naturally Occuring Affinity: Low natural mutual affinity self-affinitizes to a mutual center (from 0 to 4).
Naturally Occuring Dissociation: This (contraction) self-focalization/affinitization will increase until discordant harmonics (secondary and tertiary) appear which self-resonate in increasing amplitude until sufficient discord appears overtaking concord. Self-destruction (radiation) of the unit is the inevitable result (from 4 to 0). See Russell's Mid-Tones.
Celestial/Male/Vibration decreases velocity and increases power (vibration/rotation) from 0 to 4.
Terrestrial/Female/Oscillation increases velocity and decreases power (oscillation/revolution) from 0 to 4.
Figure 13.04 - Compound Equilibrium
13.13 - Principle of Regeneration
Less dense radiates to more dense which absorbs radiation, reverses its polarity and reradiates.
Principle of Regeneration
All male actions are centripetal [charging] and all female reactions are centrifugal [discharging].
Variance of centripetal or centrifugal force is variation of potential.
Union and reproduction are always governed by sex periodicity in electro-magnetic charge, the order of which will be written down and charted.
Consider, for example, the reproduction of the sound of the human voice echoing in the hills. Sound, like all other forms of energy, is an accumulated potential.
Release this high potential and it immediately expands.
Expansion is radiation.
Radiation is discharge of accumulated potential.
As the sound of the voice, as accumulated potential, radiates into the silence of higher octaves of lower potential, and impacts against the closely integrated high potential of the cliff side, the degenerative discharge is reversed and becomes generative charge.
Expanding lowering potential is reversed to contracting higher potential.
In other words, the sex opposites in the radiating sound waves are forced into closer contact by the impact, so that the wave dimensions which originally produced the sound are restored.
The counterpart of the sound as cause has been produced as a reproduced effect of that cause.
It is not the same sound, it is another sound.
It is a reproduced counterpart, a regenerated reincarnation of the state of motion which originally produced the sound.
That which is true of regeneration by echo is also true of reproduction by radio or any other similar process. All are but the reversal of radiation into regeneration by impact against the inertial planes of higher potentials.
Generation or re-generation is an effect of gravitation. An
impact of radiative energy against any lower octave of integration will
set up the necessary resistance to the radiative energy to regenerate
it into its original form. [Russell, The Universal One,
Book 1, Chapter 10]
13.14 - Principle of Reciprocity
as a decreases b increases simultaneously and vice versa.
13.15 - Principle of Proportion
increases and decreases are in inverse or direct proportion to rate
of change (delta).
13.16 -
Contraction / Expansion
Radiation from Plane of Equilibrium -00+
(a) Radiation from 0+ to -1
(b) -1 absorbs then 1+ reradiates to -2
(c) -2 absorbs then 2+ reradiates to -3
(d) -3 absorbs then 3+ reradiates to -4
(e) -4 absorbs then 4+ to reradiate to void at -0
13.17 - Degree of Concord/Discord Dictates
a. When harmonic a larger volume -00+ condenses to smaller volume
-11+, etc.
b. When inharmonic a smaller volume -44+ expands to larger volume
-00+, etc.
a. Naturally Occuring Affinity: Low natural mutual affinity
self-affinitizes to a mutual center (from 0 to 4).
b. Naturally Occuring Dissociation: This (contraction)
self-focalization/affinitization will increase until discordant
harmonics (secondary and tertiary) appear which self-resonate in
increasing amplitude until sufficient discord appears overtaking
concord. Self-destruction (radiation) of the unit is the inevitable
result (from 4 to 0).
a. Celestial/Male/Vibration decreases velocity and increases power
(vibration/rotation) from 0 to 4.
b. Terrestrial/Female/Oscillation increases velocity and decreases
power (oscillation/revolution) from 0 to 4.
13.18 - Etheric Negative Attractor
The Etheric Negative Attractor was Keely's machine or device to
create, harness and perhaps direct Harmonic Attractive (Centropic)
Force which is a build up or concentration of Infinite Ninths harmonic
A zone of harmonic attractive (centropic) force will cause a volume
of a medium to collapse to center in a swirling motion. There are
localized zones established of alternating dispersive and contractive
vibration, sometimes in parallel to each other, but at right angles to
centralizing motions. See photos of hurricanes.
Figure 13.05 - White indicates Aggregating
Force, Dark indicates Dispersive Energy
13.19 - Hurricane Clouds
The ribs in hurricane clouds are zones of warm (clear = dispersed water) and cool (clouds = condensed water) air.
warm = dispersion
cold = contraction
Four Kinds of Air
1) warm and dry
2) warm and wet
3) cold and dry
4) cold and wet
![]() |
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Showing lines demarcing clouds (wet) and no
clouds (dry).
Showing extreme temperature differences.
Figure 13.06 - Polarization and
Differentiation at root of Rotation.
13.20 - Differentiation
Differentiation is not unlike refraction wherein a WHOLE is
divided into its constituent parts; i.e., a rainbow, for instance,
divided into its three main components - viz. - HEAT (infrared/red),
LIGHT (yellow/white) and CHEMICAL (blue/ultraviolet) rays. [This is the
great base idea Keely discovered in Hughes' Harmonies of Tones and
Colors - the triple nature of a whole.]
"Differentiation, by compound negative vibration of their neutral
centres, causes antagonism, and thus the great attractive power that
aggregates them becomes one of dispersion or expansion, accompanied by
immense velocity of rotation, which carries its influence through the
whole volume of air, 230 cubic inches contained in sphere, within its
33 1/3 chord of its circle of coincidence. By this wire of platinum and
silver the current of force is now passed to run the vibratory disk,
thus altogether upsetting the "compressed air" theory of Professor
Barkes, Dr. Hall, and others of less note." [Keely, Keely and His
13.21 -
Differentiating Thirds
Differentiating the minor thirds = the terrestrial third volume of Atlin = Bflat
Differentiating the major thirds = the celestial two-third volume of Atlin = C
[the above insight confirmed by Dawn 5/21/99]
"The breaking up of cyclones will open a field for future
research, if any way can be discovered for obtaining the chord of mass
of the cyclone. To differentiate the chord of its thirds would destroy
it;" [Keely
and His Discoveries, Chapter 9]
Figure 13.07 - Differential Pressure Zones in
Antagonism cause Rotation.
(courtesy University of
Science and Philosophy)
13.22 - Polarization
1) How long polarization lasts or persists.....
2) Sounds destroy polarizations at the rate of their frequencies thus
returning to Neutrality as per those frequencies.
3) Once voiding has occurred there is no more polar tension or desire
for voiding. Polarization is lost.
4) Is there a way to produce continuous streams of HARMONIC and
ENHARMONIC polarizations???? Or a continuous condition or state of
5) If a polarization could be established, held and amplified this
would be a source of continuous tension which would manifest as
circular motion if properly channeled. This would not be unlike the
bias created in electrical generators.
Electricity is nothing more than a steady state polarization which
can be added or divided up and used as a polar condition within various
components??? Makes a lot of sense to me.....
13.23 - Phoenix Bird,
Resurrection, Re-Creation, Regeneration
The Phoenix bird is symbolic of Russell's Principle of
"Generating Mass seeks higher pressure zones. Degenerating Mass
seeks lower pressure zones. Regeneration is effected by Degenerative
Impact in inertia, thus reversing sex [polarization]."
"Of this more will be written when further consideration of
causes make the effects of those causes more comprehensible.
All male actions are centripetal and all female reactions are centrifugal. Variance of centripetal or centrifugal force is variation of potential. Union and reproduction are always governed by sex periodicity in electro-magnetic charge, the order of which will be written down and charted. Consider, for example, the reproduction of the sound of the human voice echoing in the hills. Sound, like all other forms of energy, is an accumulated potential. Release this high potential and it immediately expands. Expansion is radiation. Radiation is discharge of accumulated potential. As the sound of the voice, as accumulated potential, radiates into the silence of higher octaves of lower potential, and impacts against the closely integrated high potential of the cliff side, the degenerative discharge is reversed and becomes generative charge. Expanding lowering potential is reversed to contracting higher potential. In other words, the sex opposites in the radiating sound waves are forced into closer contact by the impact, so that the wave dimensions which originally produced the sound are restored. The counterpart of the sound as cause has been produced as a reproduced effect of that cause. It is not the same sound, it is another sound. It is a reproduced counterpart, a regenerated reincarnation of the state of motion which originally produced the sound. That which is true of regeneration by echo is also true of reproduction by radio or any other similar process. All are but the reversal of radiation into regeneration by impact against the inertial planes of higher potentials. Generation or re-generation is an effect of gravitation. An impact of radiative energy against any lower octave of integration will set up the necessary resistance to the radiative energy to regenerate it into its original form." [Russell, The Universal One, Book 1, Chapter 10] |
13.24 -
Polarization Points
1) An homogenous gas will auto-activate into circular motion when a
polarization is introduced anywhere within the gas.
2) This motion will be most the closer to the point of polarization and
diminish outward according to the Square Law thus ALWAYS resulting in a
vortex (circular) motion about that point.
3) There will be a gradient of motions between the Point of
Polarization and all other depolar gas particles.
4) In Dynaspheres the Points of Polarization are 1) the Actuators
(increased density) and 2) the White and Black sublimate coatings
Photoelectric Effect (eV)
05 38.00 2
Berylium 5.00 Photelectric Effect: It's been determined experimentally that when light shines on a metal surface, the surface emits electrons. For example, you can start a current in a circuit just by shining a light on a metal plate. A freshly polished, negatively charged zinc plate looses its charge if it is exposed to ultraviolet light. This phenomenon is called the photoelectric effect. Careful investigations toward the end of the nineteenth century proved that the photoelectric effect occurs with other materials, too, but only if the wavelength is short enough. The photoelectric effect is observed below some threshold wavelength which is specific to the material. Especially the fact that light of large wavelengths has no effect at all even if it is extremely intensive, appeared mysterious for the scientists. Albert Einstein finally gave the explanation in 1905: Light consists of particles (photons), and the energy of such a particle is proportional to the frequency of the light. There is a certain minimum amount of energy (dependent on the material) which is necessary to remove an electron from the surface of a zinc plate or another solid body (work function). If the energy of a photon is bigger than this value, the electron can be emitted. |
Figure 13.08 - Photoelectric Effect
(Ionization) of Elements.
13.26 - Residual Ionization
Krupa explained: "I have coined the term residual ionisation to
describe the effect of the firing of the FireStorm spark plug. When a
generic spark plug fires in a pressure chamber or your vehicle, it will
fire six to eight times and then misfire once. The misfire is caused by
the residual ionisation left around the plug proper. When the charge
comes down the centre electrode, it sees a high impedance and cannot
jump the gap, hence a misfire.
"There is also residual ionisation left over in a FireStorm
spark plug. However, because of the huge surface area in the
configuration of the domed centre electrode and the triaxial ground
system, when the residual ionisation rears its ugly head the charge
coming down the centre electrode sees it and moves to the next area
under the triaxial ground system that is residual ionisation free.
That's why the plasma appears to move around the dome in a circular
13.27 - Motion
"Luminiferous ether," Keely writes, "or celestial mind
force, a compound inter-etheric element, is the substance of which
everything visible is composed. It is the great sympathetic
protoplastic element; life itself. Consequently, our physical organisms
are composed of this element. This focalizing, or controlling media, of
the physical, has its seat in the cerebral convolutions; from which
sympathetic radiation emanates. This sympathetic outreach is mind flow
proper, or will force; sympathetic polarization to produce action;
sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar
differentiation, resulting in motion. The true protoplastic element
sympathetically permeates all forms and conditions of matter; having,
for its attendants, gravity, electricity, and magnetism; the triple
conditions born in itself. In fact, it is the soul of matter; the
element from which all forms of motion receive their introductory
impulse." Bloomfield-Moore
13.28 -
Clashing of Light & Dark
Light and Dark are two states of the Same Light.
"See the immediate center of our solar system. Thou wouldst call
it a dynamo, the great dynamo of the system. Right wouldst thou be, and
wrong also. The attempt to define the sun as an analogue to a
dynamo-electric machine has much to support it. But to define it as
identical is erroneous. The trouble with that theory is the trouble
which lies at the root of and weakens all other theories to account for
sun-heat and sunlight. It is that science does not assign a
sufficiently high value to the sun. The combustion theory is invalid;
the solar mass contradiction theory is but partially tenable and
meteoric showers do not account better than the first two. Neither does
the electric-dynamo theory. Truly, the latter explains how sun-heat and
sunlight may coexist and not be inharmonious with the awful degree of
cold between earth, the planets and the sun. It explains that which
denies the simple combustion theory so completely, viz. that the
farther one goes from the earth center, either in a balloon or on a
high mountain, the colder and colder the air gets, so that interstellar
space is several hundred degrees below zero, and black as midnight,
with the sun a luminous disc, without rays. But the dynamo theory does
not explain the solar spectrum, nor the bands of spectra, nor coronal
"flames," nor "sun spots," nor solar nor lunar eclipses."
"I have said that the value accorded by astronomers is too
small. Seeing fire, they would seek to explain by its means the sun.
Finding this untenable, and aware that a contracting mass gives off
heat, they next essay explanation on that hypothesis. But this will not
do, nor will meteoric showers, nor any hypothesis based on facts now
known, all are too low in aim; the Infinite cannot be explained by the
finite, nor will less explain greater; fire is energy, and electricity
is energy, and God is energy. But fire will not solve the query, "What
is electricity?" nor will electricity answer "What is God?" but God
will explain both the others, for the sum of the parts is equal to the
whole. But as man does not know the full number of the parts, the
partial sum he does know will not explain God."
"Nature has a dual aspect, is double, is positive and
that the great positive side is the side known as mundane science,
while the other or negative, or "Night-Side," or, as it was once known
in the earth by the men of Atla (Atlantis), "Navaz," is a side all
unknown, and scarcely quested in the most exceeding flights of
speculation, left unbroached, secretly kept by a few, who know not that
they entertain an angel, an angelic wisdom that in a century more, yea,
less time! shall overturn much of the face of terrain things, shall
bestow aerial vessels, and all else once known to those men of Atl of
whom I spoke."
"The suns of systems are centers of forces of the Night Side
Nature whereof I spoke, and are force, and matter of a higher value
than are planets and satellites, just as water above a cataract is
water, truly, but being above and mobile, flows over and down,
developing energy. In other words, out of the cold, dark, negative
side, or "Night Side," force emerges, drawn to the positive polarity
which constitutes in its outgoing flow that termed Nature, and develops
in its fall, magnetism, electricity, light, color, heat and sound, in
order of descent, and lastly solid matter, for this latter is a child
of energy, not its parent. When the Navaz forces drop to light, if the
light waves enter a spectroscope, they will emerge as colors; these
will correspond to the various spectrum bands, and will, as the descend
progresses, give the noted lines of the solar spectrum, as the great
"B" line of oxygen, the conspicuous "1474" line, and the brilliant "H"
and "K" violet bands."
"Thus the evidence of flames, and metals on fire, and all that
leads astronomers to think sun and stars flaming hells. But their
"fires" will not decrease, for the Father is immanent, and the forces
of "Navaz" are perpetually fed by Him. The graphic picture of a
burned-out sun is a dream, never to be fulfilled. A day will come again
in the earth when instruments will be made which Atlantis once well
knew, when the prismatic rays from a spectroscope will be found to be a
source of heat, and of sound, so that the so-called "flames" of the
sun, and of the stars will produce music, harmonious divine. Yea,
further, for going down, the dark green solar spectrum of iron will be
made to yield iron for use in the arts, and so with the other bands and
lines, the intense greens, blues, and blue-greens give copper, lead,
antimony and so on. It is by these Navaz currents that the circulation
in the universe is kept up, as blood in a man's arteries. The suns are
the systemic hearts. But thou art tired, my brother, or I would explain
yet more, that the planets which receive all these currents must return
their equivalent. And thus would another vast field open before thy
sight. This last would explain that which so worries science on earth,
the molten terrain interior. That also is something of an error. All
the phenomena which seem to declare the earth to be in a melted
condition inside do not prove it so in truth; all point to the return
currents, the positive; all exhibit the venous currents of our
universe, back to its hearts." [Phylos, A Dweller on Two Planets;
Borden Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California, 1952.]
13.30 - Keely and His Discoveries
13.31 - Operation of the Vibratory Circuit
13.32 -Neutralization of Magnets
13.33 -Theory of the Induction of Sympathetic Chords to Excite Rotation by Vibraphonic Trajection to and from Centers of Neutrality on Revolving Globe
13.34 - Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere
13.35 -Rotation from Vibration
13.36 -Excerpts from Original Articles about Keely's Globe Motor or Musical Sphere