Check out the SVPwiki | SVP Cosmology 2.3 |
A-Albionic Research Archives - lots of research files & links on science and social issues ABC Musical Notation Language - music notation through ASCII format Gods Creations - counseling via email Acoustic analogs to eletromagnetic effects Acoustic heterodyne - sound at a distance Acoustic Research - going on around the world Acoustic spotlight - laser-like beams of sound Acoustical Apparatus from the 1800s Acoustical Society of America - 7,000 active members worldwide Acoustics and Vibration Animations Acoustics FAQ - an information resource Active Control of Sound and Vibration Adidam - Avatar Adi Da Samraj - awakened Advanced and Obscure Occult Science - some original thinking American Iatrogenic Association - investigating 80,000 deaths a year by the "medical professionals" American Physical Society - 41,000 members worldwide American Precision Museum - has remnants of Keelys Disintegrator on display. American Vacuum Society - 6,000 members worldwide Ammachi Mata Amritanandamayi - awakened being with great teachings. Antique Scientific Instruments Ananda Seva - science and spirit Ancient (Sacred) Texts on the Web Anstendig Institute - vibration research Artoworld - unified approaches to Art, Science, Music, Mathematics, Engineering, Ancient Knowledge and practical applications. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness Atomic, Molecular Physical Reference Databases Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors Association Autoscore - sound & music recording software converts tones directly to music notation! Bakken Library & Museum - electricity in medicine Bedini Free Energy Machine explained Biophotons - The Light in Our Cells Blue Energy Canada - harnessing Tidal Power Borealis Power Generation Chips Brass Music Instrument Physics Brown, Townsend - family photo album Bruel & Kjaer - acoustic equipment providers Bucky Balls and Tubes - Richard Smalley Calculating Resonating Pipe Dimensions Calliope - construction from scratch Carolina Biological - THE source for all sorts of teaching aides Catgut Musical Acoustics Research Library - CMAR Research Archives - sound, music, theory, etc. Cave of Magic - ??? Cavitation Vortex Generator - illustrations Cayce Foundation (A.R.E.) - science from spirit Center for Sound & Vibration - North Carolina State University Chaos - a necessary part of life Conference on Subtle Energies & Fundamental Principles Connection
Technology Center - Full line of Vibration Analysis
Accessories Coupons Galore - save lots of money at the Supermarket Crop Circles - explained? Cryptography and Liberty 2000 - why you need cryptography Currency Converter - if you deal internationally this page could be very helpful Cycle - LT - US Stock Market Cycles Dark Matter - The Physical Basis of Mysticism David Hudson - ormus - mono-atomic elements Dawn Stranges - Inner Peace Medicine Dictionary - look up 4 million words in 740 indexed dictionaries DigiBio - water memory effects Dossier X - Free Energy and related research in Holland Education - essays by Reb Sutherland, if you have children you need to read this web site e1t1 - music as a tool for change Einstein - the FBI reports !!!? Electrokinetic Propulsion Experiments Electroreception - a sixth sense Elucida - sound, geometry, therapy, science with spirit Energy Extraction from Nucleus Enertek - energy discoveries outside the box Engineering Electronic Library - all engineering resources on the Internet Experimental Musical Instruments Famous Scientists - biographies Fear & Victimization - an expose Federation of American Scientists - 4,000 members Foregiveness Foregiveness, Biblically speaking Foundation for A Course in Miracles Foundation for Inner Peace (ACIM) Franklin Institute Science Museum - has several scrap books on Keely. Fravias Fortress - undoing the brainwashing FREE ENERGY - sources and links Free
Energy, the Environment & Freedom Free Energy (Advanced Technologies Report) by Gary Vesperman Free Energy - Where is it? Fundamental Force Constant - 82944 Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence Gangaji - awakened Geomusic - fascinating views of music and math Generator, Build Your Own Low Budget Genghis Blues - an extraordinary story Get It! quality electronics and tools at reasonable prices Giordano Bruno - martyred Light-Bearer Goodness you - goodness me - organics down under Great Spirit Center - science with spirit Grebennikov Cavity Structure Effect Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion Harmonics of the Universe - a great paper Harmony and Proportion - MOST excellent material! Healing the Warrior HTWP is not interested in just eliminating the symptoms of PTSD; it is committed to helping you to experience yourself as a child of God-a noble, regal, majestic, wise warrior that is in full command of their self and their consciousness. When you accept that you are a child of God, how you feel about yourself undergoes a radical transformation. It is this transformation that allows for the healing to place at the most profound levels. It is your realignment with Source that allows to find meaning and new direction in what youve experienced. Hermann von Helmholtz Association of Research Engineers - engineering and science Highly Electro-Magnetic Hideout - original thinking Historical Society of Philadelphia - as records on Moore and Keely HIV Neutralization? - magnetic and electric currents Homework & Research Helper - many practical links Hutchinson Effect - Tesla & levitation Hutchinson - videos Hyperspectrum - info source Insect Sound and Vibration - bzzz, bzzz Institute for New Energy - extremely well done collection of new and alternative science materials, sources & links - INE subject headings Institute of Form-Undulatory Energy Institute of Sound & Vibration Research International Lambdoma Research - Barbara Hero Internet and the Death of the News Monopoly Internet Marketing Center - Tips, Tricks and Tools for Promoting Your Business Online IO Tech
- PC-based signal measurement systems Joseph Rael - Beautiful Painted Arrow Journal of Scientific Exploration Journal of Sound and Vibration Journal of Vibration & Acoustics Just Intonation Explained Kaehr, Dr. Shelley - is known throughout the world for her work in the field of human potential as a leading authority on the mind-body connection and author of over fifteen books. Her work as a hypnotherapist has been endorsed by leaders in the field of consciousness. KeelyNet - Jerry and friends have done a marvelous job over the years building this extensive and far reaching network |
Krishnamurti - awakened Kriya Yoga Institute - awakened Law of Octaves of Energy - sounds like Keelys spectra ideas Laws List - a collection of laws concerning many branches of science Leading Edge Research - the place to visit if you want to know what is going on LED Lighthouse - Imaginative and Beautiful LED
lighting Liahona - device guided by spirit Library of Congress - has 18 original photos of Keely and his machines, etc. Lie Detector - freeware Lieven Site - brief review of Keelys work Love Without End - more conversations with Jesus Lucy Tuning - tuning for the new millenium? USB peripherals guide for iMac MacFacts - "Get a life. Get a Mac!" MacFixIt Mac need help? Macintosh and the Law need legal software? Macrosonix - power from sound? MacSciTech Macs in science and engineering Mathematics - History of, links Mathematics Resources on the Internet Mechanical Music Instruments Museums MicroFlown microphones - measure particle velocity Mind Control Tech, etc. - everything on the subject Mirroring - meeting your Self coming MirrorMaker - automatically write music in mirror-image Methernita Free Energy Machine Modern Energy Research Lab - MERLib is a multi-lingual site built to be a tool to help study and learn about saner Energy Technologies; fuel, generators, engines, etc, whilst also presenting technologies suggested by intuitive persons such as Viktor Schauberger, whose insights into Implosion Technology and vortices were groundbreaking and completely against the hydrology and worldviews of that time. Muller - Permanent Magnet Motors and Generators Music - analyzing temperment Music Books Plus - books on music, audio and video Music - learning for beginners Music Intervals - a very good discussion Music of the Heart - many excellent papers on all aspects of music Music Theory - search Music Theory - Tubbs New Science News - mostly cold fusion related New Science site - many links to research Newman Free Energy Machine - positive test results Nibiruan Council - global ascension work Nisargadatta Maharaj - awakened Noted Figures in Science, Physics, Engineering - West Chester University database Nu Energy Horizons - explores Radiant Energy Original Thirteenth Amendment summary - follow up the fully researched story at this other site . Was it ratified or not? ORMES - monoatomic elements ORMES web site Oscillons - new twist on Chladna plate figures Oxygen & Ozone Therapy and the persecution of Ed McCabe Oxygen Therapy research site Patti Conklin - Healing Within P E A C E Peoples Legal Front - legal help in Missouri Physical Reference Data (NIST) Physics 2000 - elementary learning aide Physics and Psychophysics of Music PI - links and info Player Piano & Mechanical Music Exchange Polybius and the Founding Fathers: the separation of powers Polycontrast Interference Photography Primary Source Documents of American History Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research - The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program was established at Princeton University in 1979 by Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, to pursue rigorous scientific study of the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes common to contemporary engineering practice. Priore Device - a cure for cancer? Prosper International League Limited Psi Tech - remote viewing Psychacoustic Analyzer - fabulous sound & music analysis software Psyche - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness Quantum Arithmetic & Prime Numbers Quantum Metaphysics - brilliant synthesis Quaternions - physics formulae set to quaternions Quaternionic Julia Sets - 3-D fractals Radionics Recyclers World - all kinds of used stuff - get the news you never knew existed Resonance Radiation - demonstrations RIFE FREQUENCY
THERAPY AND TREATMENT INFORMATION Rita's Love through Art and Prose Russ Georges E-Quest Science - sound, implosion, cold fusion, cavitation Russian Resonance Technologies
Sacred Grounds Online Brochures Sai Baba - awakened, lessons for a Loving Life Save Money on many brand name products Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control Scales - two, five, seven and twelve tone Schatz Energy Research - Hydrogen Fuel Cells Science Instruction Software library Science within Consciousness - Goswamis Theories of Primordial Consciousness Scientists Transcendent Experiences - TASTE is an online journal devoted to transcendent experiences that scientists have reported. It lets scientists express these experiences in a psychologically (and professionally) safe space. Sentics - science of touch Solaris - free energy resources Sonic Alchemy - reproducing sound perfectly Sons of Ether - Etheric Science is making a big comeback SOTA Instruments - cutting edge alternative health devices Sound & Vibration Control Newsgroup Sound of Mathematics - math set to music Spirit over Mind over Matter - award winning site in Iceland Spirit Web USA - the source for most all things spiritual Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - awakened St. Lorraine Press - science with spirit Stable Plasma for Energy Storage Stanford Research Systems - FFT analyzers Star Wheels - The Round Art Steam Power Clubs & Events Around the World Stoneking Theory - good stuff Strawberry Hill Farm (Music) Studio - innovative music, musical scales & instruments Structural Elements (Geometry) Structural Dynamics Research Corp. - dynamic data acquisition, measurement, analysis & modeling systems Studio Editions - spiritual plays & dramas, Tesla, Keely, Russell Superconducting Materials Database (NIST) Supermarkets - Your papers, please! SVPwiki
- A Rosette Stone for the New Physcis Swiss Association for Free Energy Temperament - Theory and Philosophy Tesla Engine Builders Association Tesla - the FBI reports Tesla - high tech applications Tesla - history and science Tesla - making a come back Theosophy - science from spirit Timbre - SHARC Analysis & Database Tyndall, John - bio, pioneer scientist in sound, vibration & chemistry Unified Spiral Field and Matter University of Science and Philosophy U.S. Patent Secrecy Law - believe it or not! U.S. Patents - everything you wanted to know about patents but didnt know enough to ask U.S. Patents - full text search from 1971 U. S. Patents - Boolean Search U. S. Post Office - email the government UniScience News - ongoing university research Uri Gellers Interactive Psychic City - spoon bending anyone? Vibrant Technologies - modal analysis software Vibration - some definitions Vibrations and Waves Animations Vibroacoustics - going to space Victorian Science & Technology V.O.I.C.E. Entertainment Using Virtual media such as the Internet and streaming video as well as audio, DVD, movie theaters and radio, our outreach is cutting-edge in the fields of conciousness, spirituality and science. Voice Stress Analysis Software - freeware Vortex Mechanics and Sympathetic Vibration Vortex Technology Center at Un. of Houston Wagner Research Laboratory - gravity research Wallace, Henry William ; patents Waternet - exploring properties of water Weight vs Mass; Whats the Difference? Wilcoxon Research - vibration instrumentation WWW Virtual Library - Acoustics & Vibration Y-12 Plant - Oak Ridge, Tennessee Zero Point Energy - cold fusion, etc. Zonic - Dynamic Data Acquisition, Measurement, FFT & Acoustic Analysis |
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